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SEN and Inclusion


Kirkdale St Lawrence C of E Primary School (Fees & Reviews) England ...

School SENDCo- Mrs Emma Cottom

(Available Monday – Friday during school hours)

Can be contacted on 0151 922 2775 via the main school office, or alternatively you can email your enquiry to

Provision for pupils at Kirkdale St Lawrence with special educational needs and/or disability is the responsibility of the whole school, with specialist guidance from the SENCO, the Governing Body, and the Head Teacher.

All teaching staff are teachers of pupils with special educational needs. We adopt a graduated approach to meeting the needs of pupils with SEND.


That all pupils with special educational needs and disabilities experience success; achieve well and develop as individuals and members of our school community. 

Aims of SEND

Through the application of the SEND policy, we aim to;

  • Aim high - the whole school community (pupils, parents and staff) believing that all pupils, including those with SEND are capable, can achieve and be successful.   
  • Reduce barriers - taking practical steps so our school environment, facilities, curriculum and practices reduce barriers and are accessible to all.
  • Work in partnership - giving children the opportunity to voice their wishes and drawing upon knowledge and expertise of parents and carers in relation to their child. 
  • Assess accurately - tracking progress of pupils with SEND regularly and adjusting provision considering ongoing monitoring (Assess, plan, do review).
  • Be effective - in targeting additional support using a careful balance of in class support and interventions.
  • Be reflective - Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our provision for pupils with SEND to ensure we are providing equality of opportunity and value for money

What is the Local Offer? (Liverpool Local Authority)

From 2014 Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) aged 0-25. Therefore the intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the area.

For further information click: Liverpool Local Offer SEN

For further information about our Local Offer contact our SENDCO.


SEND Documents:

Code of Practice

Accessibility Plan 2023-2026

School Information Report 

SEN Policy 2025-2026


Information for Parents:


School Health Information

Things to do

SEN guide for parents (DfE)